Back Trax Review
Having sequenced my backing tracks for close to 22 years I decided it was time to start using my iTouch instead of bringing racks of keyboard gear with me. All playlist apps I tried just did not lend itself to the gigging musician till BackTrax. Grant it I would like to see a few extra features if possible such as the ability to select the song transations
1) Consecutive Play
2) User selected delay between songs, i.e. 5 sec to maybe 1 minute before the next song starts
3) BackTrax default: Current song stops, next song selected waiting play
4) Current song "Loop Mode" till button pressed to play next song. (This is a great feature for fake ad libs in songs) Grant it your song then needs to be multiple MP3s but it can work.
Once again, great app!
Byron Santo about
BackTrax, v1.7